Donatella Feretti


Senior Researcher, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialities, Radiological Sciences and Public Health Medicine, Section of Hygiene, University of Brescia.
Role: Associate Professor of Hygiene
Total number of publications: 71

List of the 5 most significant publications

  1. Feretti D., Zerbini I., Zani C., Ceretti E., Moretti M., Monarca S.: Allium cepa chromosome aberration and micronucleus tests applied to study genotoxicity of extracts from pesticide-treated vegetables and grapes. Food Additives and Contaminants, 2007, 24: 561-572.
  2. Feretti D., Zerbini I., Ceretti E., Villarini M., Zani C., Moretti M., Fatigoni C., Orizio G., Donato F., Monarca S.: Evaluation of chlorite and chlorate genotoxicity using plant bioassay and in vitro DNA damage tests. Water Research, 2008, 42: 4075-4082.
  3. Ceretti E., Zani C., Zerbini I., Gazzella L., Scaglia M., Berna V., Donato F., Monarca S., Feretti D.: Comparative assessment of genotoxicity of mineral water packed in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and glass bottles. Water Research, 2010, 44: 1462-1470.
  4. Pedrazzani R, Ceretti E., Zerbini I., Casale R., Gozio E., Bertanza G., Gelatti U., Donato F., Feretti D.: Biodegradability, toxicity and mutagenicity of detergents: integrated experimental evaluations. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, 84:274-281.
  5. Bertanza G., Papa M., Pedrazzani R., Repice C., Mazzoleni G., Steimberg N., Feretti D., Ceretti E., Zerbini I.: EDCs, estrogenicity and genotoxicity reduction in a mixed (domestic + textile) secondary effluent by means of ozonation: A full-scale experience. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 458-460: 160-168.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Brescia (Italy), on 1st October 1962, she graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Milan and specialized in Hygiene at the Specialization School there. A Graduate Technician since 1991 and Researcher since 2004 at the Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, Hygiene section, of the University of Brescia, she has been involved in health environmental studies with emphasis on mutagenicity of environmental mixtures (urban air and indoor pollution, drinking water and wastewater, mineral water in PET bottles, pesticide contamination of food, contaminated soils, resins used in prosthodontics, monitoring of environmental and occupational exposure). These studies have been carried out by means of bacterial mutagenicity tests, such as Ames test or Kado test on Salmonella typhimurium, genotoxicity tests using plants such as Tradescantia (Tradescantia/micronuclei test) and Allium cepa (Roots Anaphase Aberration Assay and Allium Root-Micronucleus Assay) and Comet test to study primary DNA damage in human leukocytes. Moreover research activities have concerned health education and promotion, environmental studies on hospital wastewater disinfection, evaluation of different disinfectants used for wastewater and drinking water (such as chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite, ozone and peracetic acid), the study of algal blooms affecting Lombardy lakes by monitoring the presence of cyanobacterial cell density, the chlorophyll a spectrophotometric measurement and the study of toxicity using Vibrio fischeri strain, a bioluminescent bacterium. Solid phase extraction was performed for the studies on water samples.

The results of these studies have been published in several national and international scientific papers and in numerous conference proceedings.

Besides being involved in this scientific activity, she teaches environmental medicine at the University of Brescia.

Member of the Italian Society of Hygiene and Public Health, of the Italian Society of Environmental Mutagenesis and of the European Environmental Mutagen Society.

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